Saturday, April 20, 2013

Record Store Day + 420

Happy Saturday/Record Store Day/420, everyone! I thoroughly enjoy all three of those things but today I have an even bigger news to get excited about. Today is my friend Jamie's sister, Sarah's wedding and I have been invited to attend as long as I sing a song. This is an incredibly generous gesture considering I'm not even remotely related or close to his family and that they're willing to let me eat, drink and be weird at their daughter's wedding. It does however bode well for me as a quasi-musician because if I do one day decide to drop everything to become one, I can at least get free food and drinks by singing at people's weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, birthdays or any event at which my taken-for-granted-talen can serve to entertain people.

One thing I would like to also mention is that I'm participating in my first ever long-distance run. That's right the Vancouver Sun Run will be one of the things I get to cross off my 2013 to-do list. This year is especially important considering the recent tragedy that took place at the Boston Marathon. Thus in the spirit of moving forward; both literally and figuratively, I am proud to be a part of collective culture which represents more than just Vancouverite's love for the outdoors.

Finally, I just want to turn your attention towards this little review Scrambled Debutante garnered in this recent week. Seriously, there's so many things going on right now, I'm jealous of myself.

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