Sometimes I feel like being combative and difficult. Especially towards those who think just because they sign my pay cheques they can exploit my labour and good intentions.
On Monday, my presence was demanded at the company annual meeting where apparently the staff are expected to present a variety of child appropriate and developmentally beneficial programs and activities to parents, board members, concerned educators of the community and of course the executive director of the organization. I have never attended one of these meetings before but with my recent brush with company politics, I decided that it wouldn't be a great idea if I attended something which would result in me trapped in a depressing community centre for two hours with a group of apathetic, life-loathing people. Instead, I went home, got drunk and felt asleep while doing online shopping.
I'm not always such an asshole. I just don't ever want to be a part of something so contrived and offer any shred of effort in trying to convey a false public image about an organization that simply isn't as progressive or communally responsible as they make themselves out to be.
In the business of child care, a few do it for the money. I do it because the kids are hilarious and they keep me from becoming too pessimistic. Sometimes, being able to relate to kids is seriously therapeutic. You'd be surprised how much finger painting and bubble making can restore your faith in the world. Thus if my only purpose and genuine intention in this line of work is working with the children and ensuring their proper growth and enjoyment of life, why should I give a shit about how to impress the adults about what kind of "age appropriate" programs I can offer? All I'm saying is, no adult can truly know what kids enjoy and what is suitable for their development. I just think it's presumptuous and backwards to hold a meeting with a bunch old fuddy duddies to discuss what they think the kids should like to play and should want to do while the simple answer can come much easier from the kids themselves.