Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Rather Ripped

I'm terribly saddened because I can't for the life of my find my sewing machine foot pedal cord. This means that my plan of making millions by selling home-made dresses on Etsy will have to be postponed until I can find a circuit breaking apparatus that allows me to sew at my own pace. 

Two summers ago I became obsessed with sewing. It's one of those additions that offers only hits of ecstasy when you eventually realize that you can save a ton of money by fashioning say a pillow case into a pair of shorts. I guess the sense of accomplishment after you've done that serves to be quite rewarding too. Seriously, just try and create something one of these days; anything. The experience is truly wonderful. 

When I open my Etsy shop stocked with boxy, recycled garments made out of textiles found around the house I will be displaying the pieces via my blog. Please keep a keen eye out for that perfect shower curtain dress in the near future. 

Sonic Youth fucking rocks btw. Did I mention that already in the past?


the 90s will never die said...

Sonic Youth has been dead to me ever since they broke up. I can't listen to them anymore. I wish I was better at sewing so I could make dresses out of shower curtains and shorts out of pillowcases (that's a great idea btw) too!

Romi said...

U have an amazing style, tots diggin ur denim jacket!!

★Romiya Fashion Inspiration Blog★ Beaded Collar GIVEAWAY + $10 Voucher for all!(NO MIN SPEND)★

Sell House said...

Denim jacket looks cool.