If I asked you "what is the best concert you've ever attended?" you'll probably give me a list of shows you've enjoyed in the past. But if I asked "what is the most mind-blowing, soul-inspiring and too-awesome-to describe musical nirvana you've ever experienced" you will probably draw a blank, unless of course, you've seen The Flaming Lips. Last night was one of the most intense concert experiences of my life -- I saw The Flaming Lips at Malkin Bowl at Stanley Park in Vancouver. It's not just that they make awesome music and can always perform it live at a degree which surpasses all of your wildest expectations. It's that these musicians really connect with their fans and truly love what they do as artists who still continue to inspire and create after twenty-seven years. They're the only artist that I can think of who have always stayed true to their experimental and innovative nature, even when they write "pop" songs that end up in salad dressing commercials. If you are not familiar with The Flaming Lips, you honestly owe it to yourself to let them become your muse.

Onto the outfit. I wore this on Friday night when I went out with my friend/drummer of my band and got complimented by a total stranger. He claimed that he works at Holt Renfrew and I was easily the best-dressed person he's seen on the Granville strip all night. If you knew just how hip and stylin' the peeps of Granville street are, you can gauge how deliriously happy I was to hear that comment.
lol.the best concert i've been tooo ever....has to be spice girls reunion tour! LOL..i am 4reals.
I would have to agree with the total stranger--You look ah-maaazing!!
YESSSS. Now I feel totally awesome because I at least know who the Flaming Lips are so that amounts to at least some coolness, right?
You look so chic - I'm loving the black and white combo.
i think you look great in lace. hope we readers can get to hear the glimpse of your sounds!
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